Paperwork I will need from you
WESLAN Private Money Loans are Stated Income and Verified Asset loans. In all probability I won't need many items from you.
- Copy of your driver's license.
- Last 2 years Federal Income Taxes, (don’t need state taxes)
- Completed Signature Authorization, (I will email that to you)
- Current P&L For the Corporation, (If Applicable)
- Articles of Incorporation for the Corporation, (If Applicable)
- Current Balance Sheet for the Corporation, (If Applicable)
- Most recent Personal 2 Months Checking & Savings Statements - All Pages, (even if they're blank)
- Most recent Business 2 Months Checking & Savings Statements - All Pages, (even if they're blank)
- Insurance agent for this property with name and contact information.
- Most recent 2 Months, (or most recent quarter), Retirement Account Statements - All Pages, (even if they're blank)
- Most recent 2 Months, (or most recent quarter), Brokerage Account Statements - All Pages, (even if they're blank)
- Most recent Real Estate Loan Statements for personal and investment properties, , (If Applicable)
- If you have any Income Properties, the Insurance Declaration Page for each of those property(ies), (the first page of the home insurance policy with the limits and premium). , (If Applicable)
- Leases for all Income properties, (If Applicable)